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Invitation Sequences with LinkedFusion
Invitation Sequences with LinkedFusion

Get insight on Creating a LinkedFusion Invitation Outreach Sequence over LinkedIn to Reach Out to your Desired Target Audience

Arpan Shah avatar
Written by Arpan Shah
Updated over a week ago

What are LinkedFusion Sequences?

LinkedFusion Sequences are the automated workflows that perform Outreach over LinkedIn and reach out to your desired Prospects, that you define while setting up a sequence.

Invitation Sequences step-by-step guide

IMP Prerequisite: Create an account on LinkedFusion Portal and Connect your LinkedIn Profile with LinkedFusion (How?)

Use Case

In this article, we will create an Invitation Sequence to reach out to all the Founders and CEOs who work in the Software Industry and belong to Califonia Region and will set up a Connection Message and a few Followup Messages. We will also set up an Auto-Invite-Withdraw Setting, so if a prospect doesn't accept the invites for some certain days then LinkedFusion will withdraw the invite automatically.


  1. Open Sequences Tab in LinkedFusion, and click on Add New Button.

2. You get 2 options:
a. Invitation Sequence: To enroll in 2nd & 3rd Level LinkedIn Connections to LinkedFusion Sequences, you need to select the Invitation Sequence.
b. Messaging Sequence: To enroll 1st Level LinkedIn Connections to LinkedFusion Sequences, you need to select the Messaging Sequence.

3. Select Invitation Sequence to set up an Invitation Sequence.

4. Once the Invitation Sequence is selected it takes us to Sequence Configuration. Here, we need to give a Title or a Name to the Sequence, so we can identify our sequences and the reason we created them in the later stages. We will also set up working hours for our sequence so a sequence will only perform activities as per the time frame that you provided the sequence.

5. Once that's done, the next step is to open LinkedIn or Sales Navigator and get the prospects that you want to connect with. In my case, I'll look for a CEO & Founder who works in the Software Industry and belong to Califonia Region.

There are other methods as well to add prospects to your sequence.

a. CSV File Upload: Upload a CSV file to sequence, and the sequence will reach out to the prospects from the CSV file. (How?)

b. Webhook: This feature/ option allows you to connect LinkedFusion directly with your CRM or Email Campaign Trigger, and set up an automation to bring prospects in your LinkedFusion Sequence. (How?)

c. Google Sheet: You can connect a Google Spreadsheet with your LinkedFusion sequence, and the sequence will automatically enroll prospects from your Google Sheet Automatically every time you add new LinkedIn profiles to your Spreadsheet. (How?)

6. After adding your prospects to the sequence, the final step will be to add the Messages to your sequence that you need to send with your Invitation Request. We will also set some follow-up messages to go out, once a prospect accepts the invite. And finally, we will set Auto-Invite-Withdraw Setting, so if a prospect doesn't accept the invite, their invites are withdrawn after some days.

7. Now, the sequence is all ready to run. The only thing left to do is to provide the sequence, and what total no. of enrollments you want to reach out to a day. Once that's done you can start the sequence and it starts sending new invites out on LinkedIn.

So, that was how you can create an Invitation Sequence with LinkedFusion. If you have any questions related to setting up your sequences. You can drop a message on Chat Support.

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