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Create LinkedFusion Sequence using CSVs
Create LinkedFusion Sequence using CSVs

Steps to configure Invitation Sequence with CSV file. How to correctly format your csv

Arpan Shah avatar
Written by Arpan Shah
Updated over a week ago

How does this integration work?

This Integration enables LinkedFusion Sequences to Upload a CSV file and use that as the Target Audience. This basically allows LinkedFusion Sequences to add new prospects to the sequence whenever new LinkedIn Profiles are added to the CSV file without hitting LinkedIn's Search Limits.

Points to Cover:

  1. Setting up an Invitation Sequences with a CSV file upload.

  2. Adding New LinkedIn Profiles to Existing CSV files.

  3. Creating a CSV file in a proper format that the LinkedFusion Sequence can understand.

  4. Troubleshooting for the most common Errors that People make while setting up this Integration.

Setting up an Invitation Sequences with a CSV file upload.

  1. Open Sequences Tab in LinkedFusion, and click on the Add New button.

  2. Select the Sequence Type as Invitation Sequence, Title your Sequence, and select the desired working hours.

  3. In Define Target Audience Section, select the CSV file upload option and Upload the desired CSV file.

  4. Once that's done, the next step is to add the messages to your sequence, and after that hit on Submit Button to Save the Sequence that you have created.

  5. Now, you can start the sequence, and the sequence will start reaching out to the LinkedIn Profiles from the CSV file. Enjoy your fully automated sequences with CSV file upload.

Adding LinkedIn New Profiles to Existing CSV files.

  1. Open CSV Viewer Tab in LinkedFusion, and select the Sequence or the CSV file where you want to add new LinkedIn Profiles.

  2. Next, click on the Add More CSV button, and that will ask you to upload the CSV file that contains the new LinkedIn profiles.

  3. Once you select the new CSV file, click on Submit Button, and the new CSV file will be appended to your CSV file and file.

  4. The Changes in the CSV file will automatically reflect in your sequence, and Sequence will continue to reach out to the newly added LinkedIn Profile in your CSV file.

Creating a CSV file in a proper format that the LinkedFusion Sequence can understand.

  1. To create a CSV file you can any of the following tools, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Notepad, LibreOffice, and similar kind of tools. In this article, I'll be using Google Sheet to create a CSV file.

  2. If you want to follow along, then open Google Sheets and create a blank spreadsheet.

  3. Populate your spreadsheet with the LinkedIn Profile URLs, and unlike any other CSV file don't put a heading on the top of the column.
    NOTE: Make sure that the LinkedIn Profile URLs that you add to your Spreadsheet is in the following format:

  4. Once your spreadsheet is ready with all the LinkedIn Profile URLs, Click on File -> Download -> And select Comma-separated values (.csv) option. This will convert your spreadsheet to a CSV Format file.

  5. Not without making any further modifications to the file, you can upload this file to your LinkedFusion Sequence.

Troubleshooting the most common error that people make while setting up this Integration.

Listed below are the most common mistakes to people usually make while setting up their sequences with a CSV file.

  1. The uploaded CSV file will not work if it has a column heading. Simply removing the heading from the top, will fix the problem.

  2. The LinkedIn profile URLs added to the CSV file are not properly formatted.
    Correct LinkedIn URL format:

  3. If the CSV file has more than 1 column.
    The CSV file should only have 1 column which should contain only LinkedIn profile URLs.

Feel Free to reach out to our Support team if you have questions related to the CSV file uploads.

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