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Rules for Safer LinkedIn Outreach
Rules for Safer LinkedIn Outreach

Essential Rules to Keep in Mind for Safe LinkedIn Outreach for LinkedIn's Safe Invitation Limits and LinkedIn Account Warmup

Arpan Shah avatar
Written by Arpan Shah
Updated over a week ago

LinkedIn is BOOMING with more B2B leads compared to any other social platform

There are a ton of opportunities to generate leads, skyrocket your social selling, and increase your authority and reach.

And that's the reason, we have created this guide to ensure the best results from your LinkedIn outreach with maximum safety.

So, here are the Essential Rules to Keep in Mind while doing LinkedIn Outreach.

  1. Increase Your Response Rate by Using the Right Templates

  2. Set up Time-zone and Interaction Settings

Warming Up Your LinkedIn Account

Let’s say you create a new LinkedIn account, fire up your favorite LinkedIn social selling tool and get to work on generating those leads.

Here is what's going to happen:

At first, you start with connecting with 4-5 prospects per day manually, and then, using automation, you shoot up those numbers to 50+ prospects per day. This will be a HUGE trigger for LinkedIn, and most likely they will easily detect and flag your account.

Why? Simply because this does not seem natural and screams non-human behavior.

LinkedIn limits depend greatly on whether or not your account is warmed up and if you have Premium Account or not.

So, to ensure that your account is safe and sound before you fire your outreach, we’re going to first set warmup settings for your account.

Account Warmup Feature

To ensure your LinkedIn connection requests are NOT spammy, we recommend keeping them under a certain number, until your account is warmed up.

Something like…

1-3 days – 10 connection requests per day.

4-7 days – 13 connection requests per day.

8-11 days – 16 connection requests per day.

12-15 days – 19 connection requests per day.

and so on .....

Now to Enable the Warmup Feature, Open LinkedFusion, and Navigate to Account Warmup

warm up limit

As per the above configuration, the sequences will start by sending 10 connection requests on Day 1, and eventually increase the number of connection requests by 3 every 3 days.

Now in your sequence, select the working hours for the sequence. If you think your target audience prefers weekdays to spend their time on LinkedIn, you only run your sequences on weekdays. This could be changed as per your target audience, and your preferences.

working hours setting in LinkedFusion

Remove Old and Pending Invitations

Here's is a quick and effective tip: delete your old and pending invitation on LinkedIn

LinkedIn doesn't want you to spam people, and if you have a lot of pending invitations, it raises flags, and LinkedIn temporarily restricts you to invite any more people.

We recommend it is best to have less than 200 pending invitations.

To withdraw/ remove your old and pending invites, Open LinkedFusion, and Navigate to Settings. Here you will find an option to bulk withdraw all your old and pending invites.

manage withdraw limits for pending invites on LinkedIn

You can also save a Pending Invites Threshold, so LinkedFusion automatically starts withdrawing the old invites once the Threshold has hit.

LinkedFusion Sequences also give you an option to set a waiting limit, where if the prospect doesn't accept your invite within that time frame, the invites will be withdrawn automatically. This feature also lets you control your pending invitation from the sequence itself.

change days to withdraw pending invites on Linkedin

Use Personalization to Boost your Connection Request

Letting your prospect know why you want to connect with them can show your intent or reason why you want to the prospect to be part your LinkedIn network can give a huge Boost to ones acceptance rate.

LinkedIn gives you an option to add a brief message with your LinkedIn Connection Request. To add this brief message, simple click on Add Note when connecting with your prospect.

LinkedFusion provides the feature of creating your Personlized Outreach Sequences. Using this you can automate your Invitation Requests and also schedule your Follow-up messages. The Messaging can be personalized as per the Prospect's LinkedIn Profile.

Here is sample message:

Hey {firstname}, I just found your profile on Linkedin & saw that you are working in {industry} industry. Parallely you are associated with a well renowned {Company} so thought it would be great to be in touch with you. Hope you feel the same :-)


For more information on Setting up your Invitation Sequenceclick here.

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